Powercat with claw marks and a purple background that says update, update, update, updateupdate with #wildcatway

The purpose of this document is to provide a framework for how Axtell Community School will respond to the COVID-19 pandemic if another outbreak should occur and its impact on the educational program at Axtell Community School during the 2nd semester of the 2021-2022 school year. The framework of this document is structured using the Nebraska Rural Community Schools Association (NRCSA) document developed by rural school superintendents and vital part of the information concerning the Axtell community provided by Two Rivers Health Department located in Kearney, Nebraska in order to allow the school district to be responsive to changing public health circumstances. The presence of a formal, more detailed plan developed for the Axtell community will support the district in articulating this summary that will be used at the building level and provide guidance and training for our teachers at all levels. The NRCSA document link can be found on their website and for more state and regional information you can access the Two Rivers Public Health Department website. Axtell Community School will follow the recommendations of Governor Ricketts when making district decisions. As a district, we will gather all the pertinent information available to us and make district decisions that best reflect the beliefs of our school and community.

As a parent, you have to make the best decision for your child under the ever-changing circumstances, so if you are ever in doubt concerning the Coronavirus please contact Two Rivers Public Health Department for more expert information. For example, please call Two Rivers Public Health Department for advice on direct exposure, possible or 2nd level exposure, or if anyone in your family is experiencing symptoms of COVID. We as a school district can’t give medical advice or opinions.

Axtell Community School firmly believes that face to face education is the best for all our students and we will strive to keep that format for the entire school year of 2021-22. If your student shows symptoms of illness while not at school, please respect the health of others and remain at home until healthy or a doctor’s note can be obtained. It is imperative that we all communicate with each other and change our mindset in regard to not feeling well and being in attendance at school. We understand that some parents may feel comfortable sending their child at some COVID risk levels and not at other levels. As a school we will work with every child to help them succeed whether they are here or not. With all illnesses, we ask that you do your part to communicate with the school and support the educational process in this very difficult time. In conclusion, the effectiveness of the plan depends solely on individual decisions. Our hope is that everyone familiarizes themselves with this plan, supports it, and supports each other throughout the 2021-22 school year.

For the full plan click here.